Friday, March 27, 2020

Biochemists For Life: Its Not About Life, Its About Embedded Errors

Biochemists For Life: It's Not About Life, It's About Embedded ErrorsInherent error chemistry is not exactly a new idea in the field of biochemistry. It has been around for years, and people have tried to come up with ways to create this new way of handling errors that are potentially harmful. Yet when it comes to practical application of inherent error chemistry, people seem to be stuck in their own way.As the cell biologist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1861-1930) said, 'Death is naught but an inherent error in the life process'. This does not mean that one should kill all life that may come into being in order to save humanity from the ravages of error, but rather the life that one considers to be worth saving. The same applies to the inherent error in error chemistry, which implies that if we are able to identify all the errors that are in the cell, then we will be able to figure out how to get rid of them.The intrinsic error that comes about when an organism loses its ability to repair itself is known as stress. Stress is essentially a high-pitched screeching sound created by two atoms or molecules being together that vibrates like an electric guitar string with a broken string. This particular incident creates an excessive reaction between the molecules that results in a molecular chaos that causes a chain reaction in the body of the organism. As mentioned above, the cell has evolved to help our bodies handle such an incident, and the cell can recover from such an accident if it is given the appropriate stimulus to respond to.Although this sounds fairly simple to understand, it turns out that a lot of people are opposed to the notion of solving the inherent error of stress. They feel that such a solution will only be a source of more problems.For example, they would say that removing a blood vessel can be a solution to the inherent error of stress. However, when you remove a blood vessel, you make the problem worse. And when you make a problem worse, you have to start over with the new mistake. It is a vicious cycle that if you let it go on for too long, can cause all sorts of other issues, such as circulatory problems and even death.The potential solution is not to turn your back on the life cycle that made you who you are. Instead, it is to realize that it is your unique ability to solve any problem that can heal you, but it is also your unique ability to change the problem.Perhaps the best answer to the inherent error of stress is to embrace your potential as a life form who can solve any problem. You are at your best when you are living your life fully, rather than fearing that you will always be faced with the need to solve a problem.

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